Your Company's Future Starts Today



A True Assessment Opportunity

We provide your company with targeted, tailored, expert assessment. Leadership, department, or company-wide analysis that provides you significant insight regarding both strengths and challenges. From employee attitude, toxic leader identification, or overall organizational climate, Thinkenomics will provide you detailed analysis and follow-on recommendations. Corporate, non-profit, government and academic organizations will all benefit from our assessment opportunities.




Better Decisions... Better Results


Complex problems require critical thinkers.  Knowing how to analyse a problem, develop a strategy, work within restraints, and then move out with a plan is both science and art. Learning effective critical thinking and strategic development skills is the single most important requirement to survive in today's markets.


Personal and Team Assessment

Great leaders know that they must not only know themselves, but they have to know their people.  Objective, clear analysis for who we are, what our strengths and struggles might be, and where we need to work in terms of our personal and professional development is the difference between a good team and a great team!


Every organization has its own culture that in most cases is a reflection of leadership. Assessing the health of your company’s culture as well as the impact your senior leaders may or may not be making is vital to sustaining success in today’s competitive market.


Culture and Executive Assessment