
Your Company’s Future Starts Today!


Strategic Plans

Organizational Culture

Executive Assessments


Your Strategic Plan and especially your organizational culture will be determined by your senior leadership…are they equipped to build these vital areas for business success?

Organizational culture is not something that “just happens”…it’s engineered. In most cases, the leadership within the organization systematically, over time, creates the culture.

“Strategic planning does more than direct what you do today, it determines if you will survive the future”

Dr. Jeffrey Smith

"As much as half of the difference in operating profit between organizations can be attributed to effective organizational culture."

James Heskett, Harvard Business School

“Organizational and Executive Assessments provide vital insight needed to appropriately engineer effective long term strategy and healthy culture.”

Gen Robin Rand, USAF (Ret)




Developing a robust Strategic Plan and a healthy Organizational Culture will assist in all internal operations from who you hire to who you promote into key leadership positions...our assessments help with both.



What do our assessments determine?


The depth and breadth of your Strategic Plan…

The degree to which your Strategic Plan aligns with company operations…

What areas of importance your Strategic Plan is missing…

The relationship between your strategic plan and organizational culture…

Health of your organizational culture and overall company morale…

Quality of internal professional relationships…

Degree to which company policy reflects company values…

Degree of professionalism between leadership and employees…

The impact, positive or negative, that leadership has on morale…
